Pitch Us

Narratively is devoted to original and untold human stories. We are always interested in adding new, diverse voices to the mix. The true stories we publish are defined not by topic but by style: immersive, cinematic storytelling that takes readers inside another world, another life, through vivid scenes, colorful details and compelling narrative arcs.

Pitches are currently open for three of our most popular sections: Deep DivesMemoir and Secret Lives. We’re also looking for stories for a new section called The Personals.

The best way to get a clear sense of what makes a Narratively story is to read several pieces on our site, particularly from our Greatest Hits section. And to learn more about what a good pitch looks like, check out our StoryCraft pieces, “The 3 Best Pitches I’ve Ever Received,” which pulls back the curtain on how to get our attention, and, “So, What Is a Narratively Story, Anyway? (Hint: Surprising, Exciting and Delightful, to Start),” in which two Narratively editors break down what defines a feature story for the site, replete with advice on how to do it. Still have questions? Pop over to the How to Pitch Narratively thread and ask us anything!

To read our full guidelines and send us a pitch, click below!

Pitch Us Here!

Send Us a Story Tip

Not a writer but have a great idea for a story we should know about? Send us an email: hello@narratively.com.

Writing Contests

Everything we do at Narratively is built around the belief that every person has a story to tell. We work with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists and with first-time writers who have never had an article published in their lives. Our writing contests are all about discovering new voices and elevating diverse, authentic human stories.

Winners of each writing contest receive cash prizes, publication on Nararatively and more. Read on for details of recent prizes.

2024 Memoir Prize

The 2024 Narratively Memoir Prize has closed. Decisions will be announced on or around February 27, 2025. Stay tuned!

2023 Memoir Prize

Congratulations to our two 2023 Memoir Prize finalists, Wylene Branton Wood and Rachel Parsons, and to our grand prize winner, Christopher Blackwell. You can read more about them here, and check out Rachel’s story, “Does My Love for a Straight Man Change My Queer Identity?” here; Wylene’s story, “The Paradox of a Fair-Skinned Black Girl in the Segregated South,” here; and Christopher’s grand prize-winning essay, “Chaos and Noise: One Man's Harrowing Stint in Solitary Confinement,” here.

2023 Profile Prize

Congratulations to Lisa Heyamoto for winning our inaugural Profile Prize! We’re so proud to publish Lisa’s incredible story, “The Greatest Game Ever Played Behind Barbed Wire.” Be sure to check out our other finalists too: Andy Rieber’s “The Man Who Pierced the Iron Curtain in a Flying Go-Kart – and Left Civilization Forever” and Nyssa Chow’s “21 Days of Staring Down Death: Diary of a Hunger Strike.”

2022 Memoir Prize

Congratulations to Laura Green-Russell for winning our Spring 2022 Memoir Prize! Laura earned US$3,000 for her incredible memoir piece, “Murder to Middle School,” excerpted from what will be a full-length memoir about her upbringing. We’re thrilled to congratulate our finalists as well, whose work was also published on Narratively’s site:

Anna Grundström, “Living with a Skinhead, While Living in My Brown Skin

Mai Serhan, “I Have Never Been to the Place Where I am From, But I Will Imagine It For Us