Untangling the Traumatic Narrative: Using Words to Access Our Wounds

This class has already taken place, but we will offer a new session as soon as there are enough students on the advance wait list.

Email academy@narrartively.com to join an advance waiting list for the next session and we’ll make sure you’re the first to know next time it’s offered.

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Writing about trauma can be more than catharsis. It can offer an opening, create awareness and begin necessary conversations. Often, we seek traumatic narratives to help make sense of our experiences, to assign meaning to what is not easily expressed. This three-part workshop-based class offers practical and empowering exploration into the process of writing about trauma. Instructor Rebecca Evans, who has taught trauma writing to a wide variety of students in a range of settings, shares from her own extensive experience confronting the fear and vulnerability that surfaces while untangling difficult narratives on the page. Through compassionate and gentle exploration, students will learn to reframe experiences into craft that feels true and meaningful. Session one includes tips on establishing a sacred writing practice that secures space for self-care and honest exploration. Students will explore methods to cope with emotions that might surface while penning these stories. Session two focuses on studying a variety of forms, crafts and approaches. You will also learn how to create narratives that are accessible for others, should you choose to share and/or publish your work. Session three guides you in establishing a creative, safe and effective ongoing writing practice. This class is open to writers of all levels, whether you’re planning to write a book or simply want to start journaling and find a path toward self-discovery.

This class is right for you if…

  • You’ve tried to write something painful or difficult, but have been stuck or stalled.

  • You want guidance on methods to help pen something challenging — whether an essay, a series of poems or a full-length manuscript.

  • You want to learn how to take great care of yourself so that you can access hard experiences and maintain a sense of emotional balance in the process.

All Narratively Academy classes are conducted online and accessible to students anywhere in the world.

Instructor Bio: Memoirist, essayist and poet Rebecca Evans’s debut memoir in verse, Tangled by Blood, bridges motherhood and betrayal, untangling wounds and restoring what it means to be a mother. Her poems and essays have appeared in Narratively, The Rumpus, Hypertext Magazine, War, Literature & the Arts, The Limberlost Review and more. She’s earned two M.F.A.s, one in creative nonfiction, the other in poetry, from the University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe. She’s co-edited an anthology of poems, When There Are Nine, a tribute to the life and achievements of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Moon Tide Press, 2022). Evans also teaches high school teens in the juvenile justice system through journaling and art projects, and co-hosts Radio Boise’s “Writer to Writer” show. Rebecca is disabled, a military veteran and shares space with four Newfoundlands and her sons. She does her best writing in a hidden alcove beneath her stairway.

“I've said it once, and I'll say it again, Rebecca Evans is magic. Her workshops are a refreshing mix of writing, self-discovery, and self-care. They have strengthened my writing and reminded me of or introduced me to techniques I haven't used before. I would recommend her workshops to anyone looking to experience a wonderful creative writing class with a touch of the therapeutic.” —Irene Benvenuti, librarian and writer

Registration Details: Seats in this class are limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. All purchases are final and nonrefundable. After signing up, you’ll receive an email receipt confirming your purchase. Prior to the start of your class you’ll receive an invitation to access the virtual classroom and view all class materials.

Questions? Email us at academy@narratively.com.

MORE: Check out all of our upcoming Narratively Academy Classes here.

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